April 11th 2017:
Dark Thoughts LP's are sold out at the moment. Re-press is moving but won't be back til may sometime. It should have already been here, but that's on me.
I'm very excited to welcome Lost Balloons to the Stupid Bag family! LB is Jeff Burke (Marked Men, Radioactivity, Potential Johns, etc) & Yuske Okada (Suspicious Beasts, Blotto). If you're familiar with their music, this band is a very literal example of the two of them in a band together. We're releasing their first LP which came out a while back in Germany, but now will be more easily available to the states. They have a new LP that will be coming out around the same time on Dirt Nap titled "Hey Summer" (which is also amazing).
Other than that not a whole lot going on, its the busy season for the other side of our life Soft Hand Screen Printing so that commands most of the daily attention. Here is a current list of upcoming releases:
Lost Balloons "s/t" LP
Swim Team "TBA'' LP
Dark Thoughts "LP2" LP
Hey Hallways "Silicon Freeway" LP
Suspicious Beasts "TBA" cass.
Sept. 25 2016:
Laika's Orbit 12"s are out and in the store! 500 copies, hand screened covers.
A bunch of older releases are on sale right now! 1.50 off a lot of tapes, and $2 off a couple of the LPs.
Keep your eyes peeled for new stuff coming soon, including everything from the last update along with a cassette version of Outer Spaces "A Shedding Snake"!
Aug 19th 2016:
Hi, We are happy to release two new tapes today! The Afterglows "S/T" and Even Hand "Slighted". both are up in the store for your purchasing convenience.
Laika's Orbit "Demo" 1-sided 12" test presses are in and sound great. Hoping for a early fall release. 500 black 12"s with screen printed covers by our good friends (us) Soft Hand Screen Printing.
we have a bunch of new stuff in the works as follows in no particular order:
-Laika's Orbit "Demo" 12"
-Joyride "Half Moon Bay" cass.
-Hey Hallways "Silicon Freeway" cass.
-Laika's Orbit "TBA" LP
-Swim Team "TBA" LP
Keep yer eye out for future announcements and follow us on instagram @stupidbagrecords for pictures of dumb shit.
Nov 16 2015:
Hey all. We just got back from the old country with a couple new releases now available and a couple more in the pipeline.
bag 33 Wet Nurse "So it Goes" cassette is out and up in the store. They just got back from a full US tour at the end of Oct. and have the new LP out on Recess along with a re-issue of the first album "Daily Whatever". check it out at https://wetnurse.bandcamp.com/
bag 31 Purple 7 "Garden Eyes" cassette is also out and up in the store. Bloomington In. finest rock outfit is back with a new album. They are on tour right now so see if you can't catch them in a town near you. check out the new record here: https://basementpop.bandcamp.com/album/garden-eyes
Acid Fast "Last Night on Earth" LP test press has been approved and should be out sometime next month?! Pre-orders are up in the store right now.
Lastly the Radiator Hospital / Great Thunder split LP is gonna be sent off this week. It's going to be a bit until those are out, but at least it's in the pipeline.
Please be patient for pre-orders and all the LP's to come out. The majors have stepped back into the vinyl game and are fucking up everything for everyone. Boycott major label re-issues, there are a thousand copies of fucking "Rumors" on vinyl in every dollar bin in the country, you don't need an unnecessary 180 gram version of a shitty record!